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Everest-semi (顺芯)

Everest-semi (顺芯)

苏州Everest-semi 顺芯半导体有限公司是一家无晶圆IC设计公司,2007年成立于苏州工业园区科技园,专业设计高性能、低功耗、低成本的音频数模混合信号集成电路芯片。公司目前在中国上海、深圳和美国都有研发中心和业务中心。Everest-semi 顺芯半导体的核心团队是音频ADC、DAC、CODEC和CODEC+DSP领域的先驱者,积累了近30年的相关经验,其中包括近20年在美国深厚的技术及管理背景和10多年的中国市场耕耘。

苏州Everest-semi 顺芯半导体有限公司专注于研发高效的音频数模混合信号芯片ADC、DAC和CODEC产品。我们旨在提供业界最高性价比的高性能、高品质产品,同时提供客户最优化的全方位服务,立足大规模消费需求的中国市场,也服务大中华和全球市场和客户。Everest-semi 顺芯产品涵盖众多应用,其中包括移动平板、二合一个人移动电脑、POS机、网络机顶盒OTT/STB、耳机(Lightning,USB Type C,Bluetooth,2.4GHz)、安防监控设备、行车记录仪、车载娱乐系统、音响音箱、语音遥控、机器人、游戏手柄、智能家居,声霸,HDMI和VGA接口转换、数字双向对讲等。

基于我们的使命,Everest-semi 顺芯半导体同多家包括全球最大的晶圆厂和封测厂合作,以确保我们产品的品质和供应产能。为谋求长远的创新力并不断提升竞争力,Everest-semi 顺芯半导体申报发明专利保护企业的知识产权。

苏州Everest-semi 顺芯半导体有限公司以强劲的设计研发能力和精诚服务为以中国客户为核心的全球客户提供最优秀的产品和服务。

Established in 2007, Everest Semiconductor is a fabless mixed-signal integrated circuit company specialized in high performance, low-power, and low-cost audio data converters. Headquartered in the Suzhou Industrial Park, Everest Semiconductor has regional offices and R&D centers in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Austin, Texas. Our core team has been in the standalone audio converter IC engineering and business since 1991, and carries more than three decades of experience, including close to 20 years in the United States and more than 10 years in China. Our founders are pioneers in consumer audio ADC, DAC, CODEC, and CODEC+DSP products.

Everest-semi focuses solely on audio ADC, DAC, and CODEC products. Our mission is to provide high-performance and high-quality products with cutting-edge performance/price ratios and best in-class services to all of our customers. Our solutions not only serve the high volume electronic manufacturing market in Greater China, but also reach around the world. Our products work well in many applications, including tablet computers, 2-in-1 and laptop computers, POS, virtual reality headsets, OTT/STB, headphones (Lightning, USB Type C, Bluetooth, 2.4GHz), surveillance monitors, dashcams, automobile infotainment systems, voice activated remote controls, smart speakers, robots, game consoles, smart furniture and appliances, HDMI and VGA interfaces, sound bars, and digital 2-way radios.

With our core mission in mind, we collaborate with some of the world’s largest fab and packaging houses to ensure our products’ quality and capacity. With an eye on long-term and persistent innovation, we file numerous patents each year to safeguard our intellectual property and enhance customer experience.

At Everest-semi, we harness our technical expertise and research prowess to provide exceptional products and services for our customers.

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